Thursday, April 28, 2011

Growing Up Way Too Fast

The past couple years of sleepless nights, temper tantrums, and somebody always needing something has often led me to wonder why people say "They grow up way too fast."  There have been many times I wished I could fast forward through.  "Enjoy every minute" doesn't seem to fit when you are trying to comfort your colicky baby who has been screaming for hours or when you have to carry your 2 year old out of the mall kicking and screaming because he decided to throw a fit when it was time to leave.  Why would we not want to speed this up?  Now I get it.

Last night, we were all sitting at the dinner table when the phone rang.  Dan and I chose to ignore it and check it after dinner.  Brandon says "I go get it Mommy."  He's never "got" the phone before and I didn't even know he paid attention to where it was. Surprised, I said "Ok".  He got down from his chair and said "I be right back and eat".  Then he ran all the way out of the kitchen, through the living room and into our bedroom.  He came running back with the phone and said "Here ya go, Mommy."  Seriously?  When did he become "old" enough to do this?

Tonight, I was giving him a bath.  He said "Mommy, I sing a special song for you."  He's never sung a special song for me so again I was surprised.  I said, "Great, I'd love to hear your special song."  He sang "Momma, please get me outta here."  He can be so funny.  It was the sweetest song I have ever heard.

Even though I have been "enjoying every minute", trying not to blink, and taking thousands of pictures, my son is growing up way too fast.

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