Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Am So Blessed

   At the end of most days I feel like I have accomplished very little.  My house isn't as clean as I would like.  I am never caught up on laundry.  My list of scrapbooks to complete keeps getting longer and longer.  I washed the same bottles today that I washed yesterday and that I will wash again tomorrow.  The dishwasher is loaded and ran so I can empty it again in the morning, just like every other morning.  Sometimes it's very frustrating for me.  I am a doer.  I like everything in its place, everything clean, and I love checking things off my "to do" list.  Just when I think I might go crazy from my current lifestyle one of them smiles at me, gives me a hug, or just looks adorable.  That's when I realize how much I am accomplishing every day.  These two little people are counting on me for everything.  Love,  food, clean clothes, baths, discipline, the list goes on and on.  Everyday I get to teach them things, help them grow, and be their mommy. Everyday I thank God for them.  I am so blessed.....and I'm going to try to remember that. :)

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