Sunday, February 6, 2011

"So Excited"

Go Packers!!! Super Bowl Sunday was more fun than usual this year because my team (aka my husband's team) played and won!!  Unfortunately this was Dan's week to work which meant we wouldn't be attending any Super Bowl parties.  I decided that we would have our own little party....just the 4 of us.  When Brandon woke up from his nap I told him we were going to have a party downstairs.  At first he didn't want to have a party. Then I told him that we were going to have cookies and cupcakes and he was all for it.  He was so excited when he got downstairs. 

He wanted to eat a cupcake as soon as he saw them.  I was making chili and several appetizers so I told him he needed to wait.  He ran in to wake up Daddy and show him the balloons, cupcakes and cookies.  I was in the kitchen when he ran in and said "Mommy, you so excited for a party, eat cupcakes?"  It was the sweetest thing. I have never heard him say "so excited" before.  I said "Yes, honey. I am excited for the party.  He said "You so excited eat cupcakes?"  I said "Yes, I'm so excited to eat cupcakes."  He went back into the living room for a few minutes then ran back in the kitchen and said "Mommy, you come a party too?".  I quickly finished up and went to the party too. :)  

I was "so excited" that we had our own little party.  Dan was "so excited" that the Packers won.  Madelyn was "so excited" to get her bottle and go to bed, and of course Brandon was "so excited" that he got to eat his cupcake!

A fun filled family night!  I love my life!  How exciting...

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